The 2016 Football Season is upon us folks, and you know what that means:
AWFUL Pre-season football!
While the pre-season is tedious and mostly pointless, it can be fun to check out your team’s fresh-faced draft picks or look for this year’s Fantasy sleeper who you can snag late in your drafts.
Here are some thoughts to ponder while watching this year’s edition.
Your backup QB is not good
This happens every preseason especially to teams with middling starting QBs. The backup outperforms the starter for a few series and all hell breaks loose. Fans suddenly think the backup should get the nod because he threw 2 touchdowns on 50 attempts while the starter stood there with the clipboard because he realizes how utterly pointless these games are.
Your backup QB stinks – unless he’s Tom Brady in 2001.
Special teams actually matter
One way to make a NFL roster is to be a valuable special teamer. If you can’t catch the ball when it’s thrown to you or cover a guy who can, you can still make a team by running in a straight line down the field and tackling someone. Big time special team plays may be the only chance some guys get to stand out, so while they may seem routine a good punt coverage or kickoff return could earn someone a roster spot.
You should watch HBO’s Hard Knocks even though no one likes the LA Rams
LA is a notorious fair-weather-fan sports city— I know because I live here. Angelinos now have their moment in the sun to enjoy the return of their beloved Rams. But the team will stink, and the Coliseum will be filled with visiting teams’ colors by year’s end. But Hard Knocks continues to be a fascinating show. No matter which team they follow each season, the show provides an inside look at NFL Training camp, and always does a great job chronicling the fringe players for whom camp can truly make or break a career.
Find your diamond in the rough
Pre-season is a great time to find your guy. The guy no one else really knows about yet, but the one you saw make that great juke or clutch tackle on 3rd and 4. The guy you can point out at the bar during the Week 5 game and have your friends say “Who?” Football is driven by star players but sometimes you can have the most fun rooting for guys that are only yours.
Brian Cammarata lives in Los Angeles. He leads the VIP Services team at InviteManager, helping companies share events & experiences with their clients.
Despite what he just said about the Rams, he’s actually a good guy.