Tracking and using sports tickets effectively with TicketManager leads to significant ticket use. TicketManager partners use more than 90% of their tickets effectively.
78% of all tickets are used for New Business Development. The majority of the rest for Current Customers.
$120 Million in Potential Revenue Sharing unique experiences drives business. This TicketManager partner entertained $2.9 million in potential revenue at each of the forty three NHL regular season games.
NHL suites host on average over 500x the cost of the suite in potential business.
NHL Tickets are in high-demand assuring you the guests you need to help grow your business.
“ We’re very proud of the successful partnership we’ve been able to forge with invitemanager and our valued corporate customers. Coyotes customers can be confident their best tickets are being used for their biggest opportunities and generating the best possible ROI.
– Arizona Coyotes